There are three accepted pillars to good health, a simple diet, adequate rest and exercise. In the days of yore, when life was slow, all three were made available as a matter of routine. Today the diets are varied but richer, rest hours curtailed due to paucity of time and exercise shunned due to lack of motivation or energy. To cater to the latter a wide mix of energy drinks are now on offer promising to sustain a fruitful exercise session. With energy drinks, it’s a to-each-his-own-affair, at times throwing caution to the wind and inviting trouble. This is where one product comes in like a breath of fresh air – PEP UP by NRoute.
To understand the uniqueness and differentiation from the glut of other “instant energy drink” products we need to contrast it with the crowd. While the outliers in the group may even resort to borderline narcotics to “pump” and prime them up, even the mainstream among them are laced with stimulants like caffeine and loaded with sugar. While caffeine may have its uses there always remains the tendency to go overboard and suffer undesirable consequences over a period of use. That’s where PEP UP is different, with its one-of-a -kind formulation of an amino acid and the natural extract of Red Spinach or Amaranthus.
The first difference is just that, PEP UP is not an instant energy drink. It is for gradual, sustained and systematic imparting of energy tailored to keep you engaged and motivated throughout the session, rather than just an initial burst. It works by raising the levels of Nitric Oxide in the body resulting in vasodilation, making more oxygen available to the muscles due to which the user feels less fatigue and muscle soreness. This happens in a gradual manner as one gets into exercise mode and sustains longer.
Secondly, with stimulants like caffeine, compounded by sugar, there is the inevitable crash that follows the energy gush, not with PEP UP. That’s where the basic difference lies, the former work on the CNS or Central Nervous System where as PEP UP has a vascular or circulation impact. While it may take longer to show effect, one will never feel the “crash”.
Thirdly, while the stimulant-based products are generally reserved for high intensity work outs, PEP UP has a far wider application. Just about anybody who needs to get a perk up for any activity howsoever strain free can have PEP UP and feel the difference. Even if no activity is scheduled but one is feeling “low” and tired without reason, can reach out to a few swigs of PEP UP and feel refreshed. Yes, for the runner or gym goer it’s a workout essential for the rest it is a perfect refreshment.
Lastly, the caffeine-based drinks can over a period of time lead to a certain degree of dependence or at least the possibility of it exists, but not with PEP UP. This is owing to its all-natural formulation and its gradual and systematic impact. There are no “highs” with PEP UP, just pure energy.
So, the next time you head for the beach or gym with an energy drink in your bag, ponder over the above and ask if your drink is caffeine free, sugar free and devoid of any harmful or addictive nasties. If the answer is in the negative its time you made the switch to PEP UP.