What are Bioactives? – Hear it through ‘The Turmeric Tale’
Long before science could delve into and decipher the pathways and modes of impact of different foods on the human body, it was purely observation based. Various therapeutic systems, each culturally diverse, have tones of recorded compounds that work in different ailments or maybe even for general vitality and wellbeing. In these foods, which could be roots, shoots, leaves or animal parts, lay the active remedial compounds. This forms the basis of Bioactive compounds or just Bio actives.
The simplest way to define bioactive compounds are those that have actions in the body that may promote good health. They can modulate metabolic processes and elicit positive properties such as antioxidant effect, inhibition of receptor activities, inhibition or induction of enzymes, and induction or inhibition of gene expression. These are derived from bioactive or functional foods which include fruits, vegetables, proteins, and lipids that promote extra health benefits beyond their typical functions for the human body.
As the health and wellness industry has grown exponentially over the years big names have now begun researching and synthesising a clutch of bioactive compounds blending traditional knowledge with modern science. We Indians have a vast ocean of Ayurveda to look at for these compounds. One such compound listed is turmeric (haldi) a staple condiment used in Indian cooking.
We have all grown up with our elder generations touting turmeric almost as a panacea, be it for bleeding wounds or a sore throat. Warm milk with turmeric at night we were told led to good shuteye. However, let’s get a little scientific, the first thing to know is that the (bio)active compound in turmeric is CURCUMIN and the bad news is curcumin is not easily absorbed by the body. Before we go further let’s list the benefits of curcumin.
1.Curcumin is a natural anti-inflammatory compound matching the effectiveness of OTC drugs. This it does by way of modulating genes related to inflammation.
2.Increases the antioxidant capacity of the body. Oxidative damage by free radicals is responsible for ageing and other diseases. This it does by increasing enzyme levels.
3.Curcumin boosts Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor (BDNF), linked to improved brain function and lower risk of brain disease.
4.Curcumin lowers the risk of heart disease by improving the function of the endothelium or the lining of the blood vessels.
5.Curcumin may prevent (and perhaps even treat) cancer.
6.May be useful in the prevention and cure of Alzheimer’s disease by untangling the amyloid plaques that build up in the brain causing it.
7.Arthritis patients respond well to curcumin supplements.
8.Proven benefits to fight depression. This may be due to its ability to raise BDNF levels.
9.May delay ageing and help fight age related diseases.
Having listed the benefits we need to look at the issue of making it bioavailable as we mentioned that absorption is a problem. One way around it is by taking curcumin with piperine and there are supplements with that combination. But, piperine can irritate the Gastro Intestinal (GI) tract over the long run.
We at NRoute are actively working on effective bio actives and found the solution to deliver curcumin which is well absorbed by way of BCM 95 or ‘Curcugreen’. This is a product, developed by our partner organization, with a dossier of 70 clinical studies (the most for any bioavailable curcumin) 54 international patents, an 18-year safety track record, available in 300 formulations in 60 countries. It is a unique and proprietary extraction and recombination process that brings the collective potency of curcuminoids and AR-Turmerone turmeric essential oils to the forefront. The curcumin absorption is 700% more than ordinary curcumin.
BCM 95 can be had as such or in the many formulations it is available in. One such unique and first of its kind formulation is Whey Protein and BCM95 called Super Whey by NRoute.
On the anvil at NRoute are products containing another bioactive compound which is a Nitrate supplement extracted from red spinach (Amaranthus) one of the richest sources of Nitric Oxide. They play a pivotal role in providing energy boost to the body especially during strenuous physical activity. Nitric Oxide also plays an important role in Sexual Wellness.
So, if you are feeling inactive, maybe it’s time to choose a bioactive, Super Whey would be a great way to start!!